¡La tierra es la esencia de nuestra lucha, sin la liberación de la tierra no hay solución para nuestra causa nacional!...¡Ninguna soberanía ni independencia puede ser alcanzada con colonias en la tierra palestina!... ¡Todo el poder a las bases resistiendo el Muro del Apartheid y los asentamientos ilegales!... ¡A nuestra gente, a los que enfrentan con sus manos vacías las Fuerzas de Ocupación, sus retroexcavadoras y el Muro del Apartheid!
Palestina Resiste!
28 febrero, 2008
Israeli Democracy: Israel kills a baby, 9 children out of 33 victims in 24 hours!
One Palestinian has been killed and three others injured in a raid against a police station in the west of Gaza City. The station is located next to Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh's house.Dr. Mu'awiya Hassanain, head of emergency and ambulance services in the Palestinian Health Ministry, said that ambulances transferred the dead body and the casualties to a hospital in Gaza.
Four Palestinian children were killed in an Israeli air raid in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on Thursday afternoon, bringing the number of those killed in the Gaza Strip to 27 in the last 24 hours. Eight of the dead are children. Hasanain said the bodies of 11-year-old Deib Darduna and 14-year-old 'Umar Darduna arrived at the Kamal Udwan hospital in Beit Hanoun torn to pieces. Meanwhile, the bodies of 7-year-old Muhammad Hammuda and 8-year-old Ali Darduna were taken to Ash-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. A short while later, an Israeli unmanned reconnaissance plane launched a missile at a car in Beit Hanoun injuring two people, one of them seriously.Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip have been continuous throughout Thursday.
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posted by Palestina Resiste! at
7:55 p. m.
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